Associate in Science

Associate in Science in Nursing Degree Program 


Choose Degree Program for More Information and How to Apply:

Associate in Science in Nursing—Generic Option 
Associate in Science in Nursing—Transition Option

  1. 评估技术研究所基本学术技能测试(ATI TEAS)和入学要求

    评估技术研究所(ATI)基本学术技能测试(ATI TEAS)是波尔克州立护理计划科学副学士(AS)的入学要求.e., both the Generic and Transition options). This is true even if the student already has a prior degree. The following provides information about the ATI TEAS:

      • ATI tea是一种评估学生阅读能力和知识的计算机化考试, English conventions and language, mathematics, and science.
      • ATI考试必须在提供考试的教育机构的监考环境中进行, or it must be taken via ATI remote-proctored testing. At Polk State College, 该考试在每学期的不同时间在温特黑文校区测试中心(TLCC)举行.
      • A student may take the exam up to three times a year, with the initial attempt serving as the start of the year. There must be at least 30 days between any two attempts. 
        • Note: 即使考试在澳门新葡京博彩以外的地方进行,也有尝试限制.
    • The test can take up to 4.5 hours to complete.
    • At Polk State College, the current cost per in-person exam attempt is $90. Remote attempts are $95. Testing fees are non-refundable. Other institutions may charge different testing fees. It is important to check the policies at any institution prior to testing. If a student tests at a different institution, he or she must request that the ATI send the score to Polk State College.
      • Financial aid does not cover the cost of the ATI TEAS.
      • To be considered for entrance to the AS in Nursing Program, the minimum overall composite score needed is 70; however, a score of 70 may not be competitive for admission, as many applicants score higher. Most accepted students have a score in the high 70s or above.
      • Some testing centers give the ATI TEAS in parts; however, ATI没有办法计算综合分数,除非考试的所有部分同时进行. For this reason, 学生必须同时参加所有部分的考试,澳门新葡京博彩才会接受考试成绩. This rule applies to initial testing, as well as any repeat attempts.


      The ATI TEAS Manual 和在线实践资源可从评估技术研究所( 自定进度、互动式网上辅导也可购买(,澳门新葡京博彩的学生可以通过使用代码获得50%的折扣: POLK-50-OFF.


      The study manual can also be purchased at a Polk State College bookstore. 鼓励未来的项目学生使用上述资源准备测试, 而不是在没有准备的情况下盲目地参加考试(因此可能需要更多的尝试和延长程序应用的途径)。. During preparation, 重要的是要确保所使用的材料是针对当前版本的测试, which may be designated as the ATI TEAS or TEAS-6.


      To test at Polk State College, 学生必须透过学院的持续教育网页(registration page). This involves the following steps:

      • 从澳门新葡京博彩继续教育网页的左侧菜单中选择“测试”, then select “Testing” again from the drop-down menu that appears.
      • Choose the TEAS from the testing options listed.
      • Choose the date and time preferred and then click “Add to Cart.”
      • Note: All available dates and times appear on one or more pages in this area.
      • The webpage prompts the creation of a login. At this point, 学生必须按照网页上的说明创建一个帐户并支付考试费用.

      To register, 学生必须首先访问ATI网站,并按照以下步骤创建一个帐户(

      • Select the option to “Create an Account” (top right link on the ATI website).

      Note: 学生不能选择“报名参加考试”,否则他或她将被指示在其他地方选择考试地点.

      • 完成蓝色的所有项目,包括澳门新葡京博彩的学生证号码. 这是必要的,包括这些信息,使学院张贴成绩的学术记录.
      • 取消选中“非学位”框,并输入根据预期申请学期的课程接受情况计算的预期毕业日期.
      • Make note of the user name and password created. These items are needed on the testing day.

      Note: 有关ATI tea测试和日程安排的问题可以通过温特黑文校园TLCC(863)解决.292.3674 or

      如果学生报名参加考试,但决定不参加预定的考试, he or she MUST email the TLCC Testing Manager, Debi Immel (, before the time of the scheduled test to avoid financial liability.

      如果学生希望在澳门新葡京博彩攻读护理学位, 他或她必须按照具体的指示创建一个澳门新葡京博彩的帐户,以获得大学的录取( 创建澳门新葡京博彩学生账户使学院能够将ATI TEAS分数发布到澳门新葡京博彩的学习记录中. 这为学生节省了额外的费用,否则将需要将tea记录发送到澳门新葡京博彩.

      重要的是要知道,如果学生在澳门新葡京博彩以外的地方考试, the testing results are sent to that facility. The student cannot print the results to turn in to Polk State College. 此外,学院不接受其他机构的成绩单. In such a case, 学生必须联系ATI并要求将分数的正式成绩单发送到澳门新葡京博彩. The ATI charges a fee for this service, after which, 它以电子方式发送分数(最常见的是在申请的同一天). The ATI also sends the student an email of the results; Polk State requests that the student save this email as a record until the scores are posted to the Polk State academic record.

      If the student is requesting that scores to be sent to Polk State College, 他或她必须事先向学院提出申请,以便创建澳门新葡京博彩的学习成绩和学生证号码,以便公布结果. 如果学生要求分数,却没有看到分数被发布到澳门新葡京博彩的学术记录上, he or she must contact the Nursing Program Director. It is possible that the score report has been received, 但是没有足够的识别信息来将结果放入正确的学生记录中.

      Effective August 31, 2016, 澳门新葡京博彩使用ATI tea来申请和进入该计划. 任何在2017年5月或之后申请入学的学生都需要在这个版本的测试中提供令人满意的分数.

      In the event of a technical problem during testing, 学生可以选择等待,看看技术问题是否可以在合理的时间内得到解决,或者是否必须停止测试(例如,测试结束).e., as determined by the test administrator). If a student continues with testing after resolution of a technical issue, 考试次数计算,获得的分数将发布到学习记录中. 如果技术问题无法解决,有必要停止测试, the test attempt does not count and rescheduling is arranged for the student.